What Is It All About?

Sayed Shafaat Mahmud
1 min readJul 1, 2020

Astrophysics is the branch of natural science that’s not only concerned about the cosmos and the unknown but also about the story of the evolution of us: The Sapiens. I take it as my goal to help you know the fascinating events that happen out there and to acquaint you to the universe’s greatest manifestations.

I will be creating small blogs not only on what’s new and astonishing but also take different ‘Hard Crunch’ Astrophysical concepts and explain it for you in the simplest terms. I assure you once you get the true vibe of mentally existing out in the distant planets, gigantic galactic bulges or even at the ‘Time Frozen’ Event Horizon of a Black Hole it is going to be a near impossibility to get astrophysics out of your head.

So, what are you waiting for? Hit that follow button and let’s dive deep to the ‘cosmic ocean’ of wonder and thrill!


